live life fearlessly


No one should fear physical harm or be alone when they need help.

The solution to safety and wellness means staying connected to a support network that knows you and is engaged in your well-being.

So stay connected, anticipate and prepare, enable fast notifications, and effortlessly let the right people know when you need help. 

Get OhanaMe Now!



is a Hawaiian word for friends and family.

OhanaMe personal security system enables you to:

Stay connected to your Ohana

Anticipate and prepare just in case

Fast notifications because every second counts

Effortless ways for your Ohana to know when you need help the most

Stay Connected

Write one message, it goes to all Ohana via App, email, iPhone notification

  • “I’ll be working late, will be home at 8 PM.”
  • “I’m walking puppy Holly.”

Choose the right person at the right time

  • At work, Ohana is your work security and a trusted co-worker
  • When walking your dog, Ohana is your neighbor and family

Share your location or keep it private, whenever you want

  • When you need help, your location will be shared with your Ohana

Anticipate and Prepare

Enter Alert resources in OhanaMe: neighbor, latest best friend, roommate, and work security – anyone who could help in various alert situations.

Ohana can also enter Alert resources to help you: doctor, police friend.

In an alert, all Alert resources are shared – you will be able to instantly contact your daughter’s roommate, grandma’s neighbor, or wife’s work security.  No more delays trying to find critical contact information or nearby help.

Monitor yourself outside of safe spaces: just landed a date, meeting a new customer, invited to a party – set it and forget it.  Monitor Me will automatically start when your event starts and will have you check-in at the end of the event.

Always ready for the unexpected: light weight monitoring all day, anywhere you go.


1705 Pavilion Way, Suite 302
Park Ridge, IL 60068
