
is the Hawaiian word for family and extended family.

Safety and wellness are about staying connected to a support network that knows you and is engaged in your well-being. OhanaMe personal security system helps you anticipate and prepare for the unexpected events in your life. It instantly gets you help when you need it the most.

What if my iPhone is broken or stolen?

No problem.

Once you set your alert timer it is automatically sent to our secure cloud service. We monitor the time and location of your last check-in. If your alert timer is not deactivated, your friend network will automatically be notified.

What Does The System Do?

OhanaMe will notify your OhanaMe network of family and friends when you are going out. Nothing is fool-proof or 100% safe. But getting extra protection with OhanaMe can add to some peace of mind for you and your Ohana.

Who do you trust the most? Your family. Your friends. Your network. They will have your back. OhanaMe.

7.5 million people are stalked each year in the United States.

The National Center for Victims of Crimes

Women are stalked at a rate two times higher than men.

The National Center For Victims Of Crimes

Stalking is a crime and you are not to blame for a stalkers actions.

For Your Peace Of Mind

Going out on the town? On a blind date? Late night in a deserted parking lot?

OhanaMe is the solution for you and your friends.

20-25% of college women and 15% of college men are victims of forced sex during their time in college.

Source: Cullen, F., Fisher, B., & Turner, M., The Sexual Victimization of College Women, (NCJ 182369). (2000).

Safety and Wellness Is About Staying Connected

Stay connected to a support network that knows you and is engaged in your well-being. OhanaMe personal security system helps you anticipate and prepare for the unexpected events in your life.  It instantly gets you help when you need it the most.

Send Alert allows for a short message sent to your network while letting them know you are in immediate danger.

Monitor Me can be set ahead of time or set for a length of time.

Monitor Me 5 Minutes is a panic alert set for 5 minutes length of time.

Silent Alert if a situation presents a need for discretion.

I Use OhanaMe Everyday, All Day…


I had no idea that I would use OhanaMe everyday, day and night. Having an active lifestyle, I use the app when running and when I have evening classes. I work the graveyard shift, so having the app active while walking in the parking lot makes me feel more secure. My family and friends were always worried about my odd hours, now they feel better knowing where I am and that I am safe, only a phone call away.

- Mary

San Jose, CA


1705 Pavilion Way, Suite 302
Park Ridge, IL 60068

